Age:2 Years Breed:
  • Husky
Kaiya is 2 years old and just the sweetest dog ever. All she wants is to roll over onto her back and get endless pets from anyone around.She is potty trained, crate trained, does great on leash and is super gentle with all humans and other dogs. Speaking of which, She is great with dogs of all sizes and every person she has ever met she loves. Super gentle with toddlers too so she loves kids. She isn't frightened by fireworks or anything really, she doesn't react to loud noises like vacuumed, appliances etc so she is super easy. For a husky she is very low energy ..if she isn't being pet or playing with another dog she will most definitely be sleeping on tile off on her own. Also super quiet for a husky. She only barks when playing with another dog, and sings a bit when she yawns, but other than that is super quiet. While she is super low energy for a husky and hasn't exhibited any destructiveness she still gets bored when she doesn't get enough exercise and will paw at her water bowl and splash the water everywhere. So even with her low energy she would pair best with a family that can give her exercise daily and isnt gone for a majority of the day. Like any husky, eventually lack of exercise and boredom can create some negative behaviors later on.