Age:3 Years Breed:
  • Chiweenie
Posted:2024-07-05 Adopted:2024-07-06
Meet Whitney - a cute, funny, and friendly pooch who is looking for a special someone to take her home! This smart and independent girl is affectionate and loves to show her gentle side when it comes to meeting new people. She's a dignified dog who knows what she wants, but she's also playful and will always be up for a game of fetch or a walk in the park. She's an athletic dog who is always up for an adventure, but she's also a couch potato and loves nothing more than to snuggle up with her favorite humans on a lazy day. Whitney loves to play with other dogs. If you're looking for a loyal companion who will stick by your side through thick and thin, Whitney is the one for you! Here's a fun fact about Whitney: She's a big fan of treats, so much so that she's even been known to do a trick or two for a tasty reward!