Age:2 Years Breed:
  • Pit Bull Terrier
Posted:2011-07-20 Adopted:1000-01-01
Snookie is a 2 year old, female pitbull. She is going to make a family very happy... She is one of those dogs that devotes her time to making you happy. She is very short and stubby and loves belly rubs. She understands the word "no" and listens so very well. She is not a barker and plays very well with other dogs. Like most pitbulls, she is AMAZING with kids. She is a "blue" color with whiote on her chest and face. Snookie found herself at a very high kill animal shelter where pitbulls have no chance of being adopted. She made such an impression on the employees and volunteers that they all came together to make sure she made it out alive. She is now safe in a foster home but would love a forever home of her own where she can love and protect her own family. Please email for more information.