Chester & Big Red
Chester & Big Red
Age:4 years Breed:
  • Pit Bull
Posted:2007-04-28 Adopted:2007-06-14
Chester and Big Red's story: These boys did not know each other before being dumped at a Los Angeles shelter, but they bonded while in the same kennel. They don't have to be placed in the same home, but they would certainly enjoy getting to spend their lives together. Friends of Orange County Homeless Pets saved Big Red and Chester on their last day in the shelter. They are now in a boarding facility awaiting their new home or a foster home. They love people and think they are lap dogs. If you are not able to adopt right now but could provide a short-term foster home, please let the group know. Donations to cover Big Red and Chester's boarding costs are also welcome. Chester and Big red are currently in boarding and would love a foster home or forever home.