Age:2 Years
- Cocker Spaniel Mix
Bailey is 2 year old 20 lb. Cocker Spaniel Mix, we think mixed with Pomeranian.
Bailey is;
crate trained
house broken
loves to ride in the car
very playful
She has learned to walk nicely on a leash, heels, sits, downs, waits at the door before going out on her walk.
She has learned to be social on group pack walks up to 55 dogs!
As some dogs are that end up at the shelter, she was a bit fearful. So, at first she had a hard time being social while walking on a leash. She has had a trainer working with her on this and has improved greatly! And she has gained a lot more confidence and trust! She is a good girl!
We feel Bailey would do best in home where someone is home most of the day. Not left alone for long periods of time.
Her new owner needs to make sure she is kept social.
Walks her daily
Continues her obedience training
No children under 7 years of age This is a courtesy posting please contact the owner directly at