Age:3 Years old
- Shih Tzu
Sheena is a Shih tzu mix between 3 and 4. She weighs under 10 lbs. She is very friendly and gets along with other dogs. She will want to be wherever you are, she likes to sit and watch. Her fee is $200 for her meds, shots, spay, deworm, frontline, micro chip.
Age:1 Year
- Maltese
Quincy is a Maltese. He is about 1 year old. He weighs under 10 lbs. He loves to go for walks and is very friendly both to people and dogs. He likes to sit with people and watch what you are doing. His fee is $ 300. That is for neuter, shots, deworm, meds, declaw, frontline, micro chip.
- Wheaton Terrier
Joshua is a Wheaten Terrier Mix. He is 3 to 4. He weighs about 22 lbs and is 16 in. tall at shoulders. He is very friendly with both dogs and people. his adoption fee is $200. He will make a very nice addition to a caring family.
Age:8 Weeks
- Beagle Mix
Robby was born May 17th , he is Beagle Terrier. He will need a yard to play in and another dog to keep him company. His adoption fee is $350 which includes neuter, micro chip and 2 sets of shots. He can be seen at Petsmart 17th and Tustin in Santa Ana on Sat.
Age:8 Weeks
- Lab Mix
I am about 8 weeks old and will be ready for a new home in another week. I will not be at Petsmart on Saturday.
Age:8 Weeks
- Lab Mix
I am about 8 weeks old, I will be ready for my new home in another week. Call or email for more information or an adoption application.
Age:3 Months
- Beagle
Leo is a little 6 month old terrier, call or email for more information.
Age:3 years
- Minature Schnauzer
Anne is a very sweet, calm young lady who is 3 to 4 years old and loves to talk to you. She wants nothing more than to sit in your lap and be on the receiving end of belly rubs. Fully crate trained and housebroken, she would be an excellent companion in the home and in the car. She gets along well with other dogs, cats and children. Her previous owners were moving and no longer wanted her or her brother, Andy. Please open your heart to this gentle girl – you will be richly rewarded!
Age:8 Years
- Cocker Spaniel
Gracie is a little cutie - she is often mistaken for a puppy - she is very playful and loving.