Age:10 Weeks
- Domestic
Inky is a 10 week old little boy very friendly

Age:10 Weeks
- Domestic
Dusty is a very sweet little 10 week old boy.

Age:10 weeks
- Domestic
Bear is a very sweet little boy - he is house trained and very lovable.

Age:8 Weeks
- Domestic Long Hair
I know my legs look kinda funny, this is how they grew but I am still very cute won't you take me home?

Age:7 Weeks
- Domestic Short Hair
Yes, I am the little black guy - as you can see I like dogs. I also like cats, people and am litterbox trained.

Age:7 weeks
- Tabby
I am a 6 week old girl ready for a new home. I get along with other cats and I like dogs. I am litter box trained and looking for a home.

Age:7 weeks
- Tabby
I am about 7 weeks and full of personality. I am already litter box trained and I am in a house filled with other cats and dogs. I have this cute little trick where I stand up on my legs and try to box with you

Age:12 Weeks
- Bengal/Tabby
I am one tough cat, I am a really good hunter at my ver young age. I have got the longest legs and love to rub on human legs. Don't expect me to sit in your lap but I do like to lay on your shoulders. But don't be afraid, I don't bite.

Age:6 Weeks
- Long Hair
My name is Henderson and you cannot help but smile when you look at me. I have got the cutest face you will ever see. I am very affectionate, I like other cats and am ok with dogs.

Age:1 Year
- Domestic Medium Hair
Smokey and Tiger were left behind when their owner moved to Arizona. They have lived outdoors all their lives and would not mind a home that offers either indoor or outdoor living. They really need to find a home soon, the neighbors have been feeding them.